Artist statment


Traveling to places related to specific cultural fenomenon. I am looking for the familiar within each culture, collecting different impressions, elements, patterns, or objects and let them contribute to my artwork. Be present where the meeting between different cultures and individuals dissolves old patterns, while forming new patterns. Where art serve as tools and common language for interculturalism. I wonder that so many strive for security in nonvolatile in a world that is in constant motion. The ideal is to constantly behave open and reflective of their culture, and constantly be flexible to change their patterns of behavior. This would result in an continuous forward motion where humans is constantly conquering new areas of the world and in themselves. The security we seek, we find in the knowledge that nothing is permanent, and the acceptance that human beings are part of a natural cycle that is in constant movement towards an unknown destination. It is out of these issues of culture and identity that I relate my work artistically -